But by far, the most significant tribute to MJ would be Ken Ghosh's untitled film, where believe it or not, Shahid is a Michael Jackson devotee.
Confirming this, the film's director Ken Ghosh says, "It's not as if we planned it this way. But it's uncanny. Just before Michael Jackson's death we shot a sequence where Shahid salutes a poster of MJ. It isn't just homage. It's like a devotee bowing to his deity. When we saw the sequence at a trial which happened after Michael's death, we were zapped."
Ken has a problem now. "Audiences when they see this particular sequence will think it has been added on after Michael's death. But that's not the case. We shot the moment before MJ's death. What can we do if Shahid plays an MJ devotee?"
Though Shahid doesn't copy MJ's steps in Ken Ghosh's film he hero-worships MJ. "Shahid plays a dancer who dreams of being a star. Michael is his role model," informs Ken. "I couldn't have Shahid copying Michael's steps. It would've been an insult to both. Shahid has his own stunning dancing style."
Ken is amazed at how much Shahid has matured since the actor made his debut in Ken's Ishq Vishk six years ago. "I was watching Ishq Vishk some time ago. Shahid's face has changed completely now. It's like he's a different person now."
It's called love and experience, Ken.
Mithun Chakraborty is apparently planning to produce a full tribute to Michael Jackson's dancing abilities with his son Mimoh in the lead.