Permanently. Yeah, Karan Johar is the man-on-move, and in the past few months he’s spent more time floating in mid-air than at home. From LA, to San Francisco to London...he’s globe-trotting. But he’s loving every minute of it, and while he says, “I like London, but London becomes like another city that I consider home,” it’s the amazing New York City that draws this filmmaker (and his movies, too). Of course, with Shah Rukh Khan owning a beautiful apartment in London, his best buddy Karan, obviously feels at home in that city.
On the other hand he can’t stop talking about his other hot-favourite city in the world, “I think NY is the one city that I absolutely love. I really like the irony of the city, really. I feel that it’s really fantastic and it’s buzzing with so much energy and yet there’s an inherent emptiness in there. So there’s this contradiction. It has all the energy and yet, it’s very empty and lonely. That’s the reason I find the city so intriguing.”
Now that sounds like a true-born New Yorker, Kjo? So we guess what he’s saying is that...London is where the home is and NY is where the heart is? Right, Kjo?