According to another domestic help at Shiney Ahuja’s house Sangeetha, on the fateful day, she had asked the victim to accompany her when she left the premises at about 5 pm. The alleged victim had refused to go with her and insisted on staying on in the house, knowing well that she was all alone in the flat.
The same victim in her statement to the police and in the FIR has stated that Shiney Ahuja had allegedly tried to get fresh with her and tried to molest her the previous day.
Even a simpleton would understand that no 17 or 18 or 20 year-old girl would want to stay alone in a flat with a man who had tried to molest or touch her or made advances towards her just a day before. She would have tried her level best to ensure that her “sister maid” was also there with her or would have tried to leave with the other maid.
But in this case, the sister maid while leaving actually asked the alleged victim to accompany her while she went to attend a church service (according to her sister maid Sangeetha, it was the victim's idea earlier to join her) but the victim refused to go with her knowing well that she would be alone in the house with Shiney Ahuja who had just a day before tried to molest her according to her very own statement to the police.
Now is this the normal behaviour of a young girl – irrespective of whether she is a virgin or not or has been accustomed to sex or not? To the best of my knowledge and belief any girl or even a hard-boiled aspiring Bollywood actress who has learnt how to avoid the lecherous C-grade producers and other ‘hawks’ would try to get away as quickly as possible from a man she perceives or thinks could act fresh or smart with her.
This argument brings to the fore the conspiracy theory put forth in another article by Flynn Remedios (Has Shiney Ahuja been framed?). Further, it probably also explains why the alleged victim’s so-called boyfriend or friend suddenly has gone underground and switched off his phone when the media began hunting for him after his presence in the drama was exposed by Flynn Remedios in the same article.
This could also explain Shiney Ahuja’s initial and first statements to the police when he was picked up and brought to the police station. Shiney Ahuja had maintained that the sex was consensual and that they had even ‘done it a day before’.