Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapur have topped an internet poll for Bollywood’s hottest on-screen couple. And this, even before “Kaminey”, their first film together, has released!
The real-life lovers got 31% votes while Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif got 24% votes, and Saif and Kareena scored the lowest with16% votes.
As far as Shahid and Priyanka’s off screen chemistry is concerned, the two seem to have sorted out their differences and are still together, though there have been recent reports of a split.
The two were spotted at a restaurant in Mumbai a few days back. Priyanka has also been accompanying Shahid to the gym.
The real-life lovers got 31% votes while Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif got 24% votes, and Saif and Kareena scored the lowest with16% votes.
As far as Shahid and Priyanka’s off screen chemistry is concerned, the two seem to have sorted out their differences and are still together, though there have been recent reports of a split.
The two were spotted at a restaurant in Mumbai a few days back. Priyanka has also been accompanying Shahid to the gym.